By Jackie Hampton,
After thirty years of educating children, teaching them the importance of having an education, the importance of loving themselves, and giving practical life surviving techniques, Charles Smarty Pants King, Jr. said good-bye on Monday, December 17, at 10:30 a.m. at the Global Connection Daycare Center located in the Jackson Medical Mall.
King, a native of Memphis, TN, spent most of his life in Michigan. He developed an early interest in art, but temporarily abandoned his creative pursuits in the fifth grade because a teacher told him that he “could not draw.” It was a temporary halt because he later pursued his talents.
He is the founder of Smarty Pants Educational Services, Inc. It is unique because it uses magic, brain teasers and art work in teaching. King told The Mississippi Link that the name on his birth certificate is Charles Smarty Pants Henry King, Jr. He said, “In 1992, Attorney Robert Smith went to Memphis where I was born and the judge awarded me the right to add Smarty Pants to my name.”
He has collaborated with Jackson Public Schools, youth detention centers, drug counseling centers, Boys & Girls Clubs and other entities to promote comprehensive drug education to individuals in the community.
On Monday, King gave the daycare students, teachers and administrators parting gifts. Each child received a copy of his book, “My Pants Make Me Smart,” along with other gifts.
The children repeated after him life-long lessons and demonstrated with him The Smarty Pants Interlock: Up with Education and Down with Drugs. He reminded them if their clothes ever catch on fire to stop, cover their face, get down and get their roll on. This tip and others are in the book he gave them.
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