JACKSON, Miss. – It pays to go to school near an Exxon gas station. Just ask the students at Northwest Jackson Middle School.
For the second consecutive year, Northwest Jackson Middle School has been on the receiving end of a $500 Exxon Mobile grant. “It’s Exxon’s way of giving back to the community,” said Eddie Hodges, district leader for the Exxon/Sprint-Mart on Highway 49 North. “It’s something that Exxon does to support the education of our children, and we generally give the grant to schools within a 2-to-3-mile radius of our stores.”
Hodges said that the students are their future employees.
“We are very appreciative to Exxon for this grant,” said Dr. Edward Buck, a veteran principal in the Jackson Public School District. “It helps our students to do some of the things educationally that they would not ordinarily be able to do.”
Hodges pointed out that the students, teachers, principals, parents of schools nearest Exxon stores are some of their most loyal customers.
“What better way to give back to the community than to give to that school,” added Coleman White, team leader of the Highway 49 North Jackson store. White was on hand to present the check to the school.
Northwest Jackson Middle School is located at 7020 Highway 49 North.
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