November 21, 2008
JPS School Board President Delmer C. Stamps has been elected to a two-year term on the Mississippi School Boards Association’s Board of Directors. Elections to the MSBA board were conducted by a body of school board member representatives from across the state who met during the Mississippi School Boards Association’s Fall Leadership Conference held November 18, 2008 in Jackson.
Stamps has served on the JPS School Board for five years, and is currently serving a second term as president. Earlier this year, he was a co-presenter at the National School Boards Association’s Annual Conference in Orlando, providing insight on the district’s strategies in voter approval of a $150 million bond referendum and a separate session on the importance of customer service. Stamps also serves on the board of the Council of Great City Schools and the Council of Urban Boards of Education. A graduate of Alcorn State University, Stamps was inducted into the Alcorn State University National Hall of Honor in May of 2001. He is a deacon at Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church in Learned and also serves on the board of trustees. Manager of Stamps Farms of Learned, the Jackson school board president also is employed as a state resource conservationist with the USDA National Resources Conservation Service. He and his wife Berncill have three children.
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