Meyers gives JSU “State of the Union” Spring update

By Lonnie Ross

Online Editor

Jackson State University (JSU) President Dr. Carolyn W. Meyers highlighted University accomplishments and

shared information about campus expansion plans during her “Spring Update.” Speaking to a large audience February 27 at the Rose Embly McCoy Auditorium on the JSU campus, she talked about expansion, enrollment, academic achievements, research, athletics, staff development, technology, advancements, and student initiatives.

After she congratulated and welcomed newly elected State Senator Sollie Norwood, Meyers announced a spring enrollment of 8,760 students. She said that this was an all time high for the spring semester

and third highest enrollment on record. According to Meyers, JSU will expand this year, opening a branch in Madison and a branch in downtown Jackson.

The Madison branch will open this summer and will offer 42 graduate and undergraduate courses.

“101 Capitol Center” is the current name for the new downtown branch that she hopes will become the intellectual core for downtown.

Meyers said that JSU is collaborating with several community colleges, including Hinds and Holmes, to increase the number of transfer students. She said that alumni from several states are helping to steer potential students to the University.

More items highlighted by Meyers include:

• 35 new faculty members to be hired by the beginning of the fall semester

• Addition of four more “smart classes” and building two more with state of the art technology

• Matched or exceed last year’s level of funding for research, having already secured $26 million in less than a year

• Five patent applications this school year

• NCAA restrictions lifted against the university athletics department

• Three athletic championships

• Free student iPads through an “iPad Initiative” grant program

• New websites launched including one for the university and one for the athletics department

• Rebranding implemented through new websites, new logo and new marketing materials

• Increased number of donors

• 158 students pinned as honor students

USA Today Newspaper Initiative implemented to provides students with free newspapers.

Meyers introduced David Hoard, JSU V.P. of Institutional Advancement, to discuss the planned domed stadium to be built on campus.

Hoard said the $200 million college domed stadium would be the first of its kind in the entire South.

He said it has been endorsed by the City Council and Mayor as well as the Convention and Visitors Bureau.

“This is a game changer,” Hoard said.

The stadium will take three years to complete, from planning to construction, and will seat 50,000.

Minority participation in the construction of the stadium will be mandatory.

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