By Janice K. Neal-Vincent, Ph.D.,
Contributing Writer,

In 2014 Sandra Howard longed to celebrate women of color who shine with grace and dignity, while going about their daily tasks – showing love and respect to others. She chose to launch the celebration as Black Girls Who Rock. Later, the name was changed to Phenomenal Black Girls Who Rock. Since 2014, Sandra Howard and Company hosts the annual ceremony in October.
The venue for Phenomenal Black Girls Who Rock was New Horizon Church International (1750 Ellis Avenue, #200, Jackson, Miss. 39204) at 6 p.m., Saturday, October 24, 2023.
Geneva Durham James and Cassandra Moore served as program guides.
Criteria for nomination were: (1) outstanding community worker, (2) selfless giver, (3) integrity, (4) leadership and (5) extraordinary, professional accomplishments. Thirteen women of finesse were honored.
In the spirit of excellence, Dr. Barbara L. Howard cherishes her passion – “helping those who have traditionally been oppressed through advocacy and education.” A native of New Albany, Miss., she is the author of two books, How to Heal Church Hurt and Wounded Sheep, and How to Calm a Storm. The Tennessee University alumna was inducted into the University of Mississippi’s School of Education Hall of Fame in 2021. Arnold also was honored with a $100 cash gift for having received the most ticket donations ($1000) for the occasion’s event.
Bridget D. Archer is a Jackson, Miss. native, but was raised in Frankfurt, Germany and Tacoma, Washington. Diversified in choreography, she owns The Bridget Archer Performing Arts Company which enhances cultural arts in Miss. and surrounding locales for awareness and training opportunities for inner city youth. A City of Jackson employee and Department of Parks and Recreation dance instructor, Archer teaches ages two and up while choreographing recitals and group production performances.

Dr. Loria Brown Gordon (reared in Markham, Illinois) is a 23-year Jackson State University educator with 27 years of leadership experience. The academician maintains, “A goal is nothing without a written plan detailing strategies to achieve it.” Gordon is involved in Mississippi and Southeastern Association of Education Opportunity Program Personnel and Young Life College Advisory Board.
Dr. LaTisha Michelle Hunt (native of Meridian, Miss.) has matriculated through two school districts as a special education learning specialist, case manager and director of special education. She currently is assistant director of Special Services and preschool principal of Madison County Schools.
A native of Utica, Miss., Jammayette Washington has served in ministry most of her life. The saxophonist, pianist and instrumental praise bandleader, serves White Oak MB Church and Faith Christian Center (Utica) and Mountain Ridge United Methodist Church (Brandon). Described as humble and compassionate, her favorite biblical scriptures are Psalm 23, Isaiah 43 and Philippians 4:13.
Laurie Walker Hall’s story is reflected in her song, “Epiphany.” She is a staunch advocate for mental health and a certified presenter with NAMI, the nation’s largest grass roots mental health organization. Hall was recently appointed board member of One Million Madly Motivated Moms (1m4), focusing on decriminalizing and destigmatizing mental illness.
A Canton, Miss. native, Dr. Marilyn Johnson-Luckett is founder/CEO of Connecting the Dots Foundation, Inc. that serves communities locally and internationally by providing scholarships and historic preservations. She has led the organization in building a church in Malawi, providing school supplies for the village children, honoring women in Mississippi during Women History Month, building a tree house for Camp Pioneer in Pearl, Miss. and building a bomb shelter in Jerusalem. Johnson-Luckett is one of 2023’s 30 recipients of the President Joe Biden Lifetime Achievement Award.
Montnye King Clay is a 33-year State Farm Insurance agent. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Jack and Jill of America, The Links Incorporated, Knights of Peter, Clarvier Ladies, Rotary Club and National Association of Insurance and Financial Services. Clay works with local and regional quilting guilds.

Dr. Ronica Arnold Branson is a Jackson, Miss. native who creates positive change as a mental health practitioner, tenured professor, author and scholar. She has helped contribute millions of dollars to fund students to serve children with disabilities in rural areas to get mental health resources. She also supports children and families affected by chronic illness and differing abilities in her private practice – Solutions Connecting, Coaching and Consulting, LLC, and her non-profit organization, Soulful Therapies, Inc. A multi-organ recipient, the honoree passionately advocates for organ donations.
Sharon Gill (Walnut Grove, Miss. native) relies on her favorite scriptural verse (Psalm 46:10): “Stand still and know that I am God.” She educates and provides free resources in a central location for effective and efficient service delivery to the community. She has worked 23 years at Piney Woods School with children and families from across the nation. Gill is currently employed at the Mississippi Department of Human Services for Region 1 in Hinds and Rankin Counties plus ESAP/MSCAP.
Sharon Moman, an associate minister of New Horizon Church International, is owner/broker of Moman Realty and an eight-year veteran of the Real Estate Industry. Moman’s inspiring memoir – Pardon, the Courage to be Set Free – was released in 2021. She has The Pardon Me YouTube Series. Moman is the democratic candidate for Mississippi candidate for Mississippi House District 56.
Maggie Wade-Dixon (Crystal Springs, Miss. native) is co-news anchor at WLBT. She has received more than 500 awards, including the Woman of the Year Award from the Mississippi Commission on the Status of Women, Citizen of the Year with Wednesday’s Child, Legends for Children Award by Mississippi families and children in Mississippi, the Mississippi Association of Broadcasters, the Associated Press, a nine-year Best News Anchor, and Meritorious Leadership from Tougaloo College.
Jackson, Miss. native –Lushelia Dawn Thompson – is an advance medical support assistant at Sonny Montgomery Medial Center in the capitol city. With her women’s ministry D.I.V.A.s for God (Daughters Inspired Virtuous Anointed Sanctified for God), she helps local women shelters and hosts luncheons and conferences. Her most recent conference was held at Jackson Revival Center (Jackson, Miss.) where she utilized the theme, “Taking a Look at the Woman in the Mirror.”
Rendering talent were Buford Moore, Jr. (mime); Joe Hall, Felix Walker, Viory Frazier and Levell Harper (The Temptations), Harold Loving (keyboard); and Gail Smith and Belinda Hall (original, comical skit, (“I Should Have Been Honored).”
Members of Sandra Howard and Company are: Sandra Howard, founder/director, Gail Smith, Cassandra Moore, Belinda Hall and Geneva Durham James.
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