Excitement to continue in honoring the six 2016 CSLC HIPPY graduates, Aug. 3.
The Mississippi Link Newswire
HOLMES COUNTY, Miss. – The Community Students Learning Center’s (CSLC) Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) staff, participants and advisory members are still thrilled over former President Bill Clinton’s praise for the success of the evidenced-based family support model on national television in Philadelphia last week.
Mississippi’s only HIPPY site, located in Holmes County, Miss., joined 137 excited HIPPY sites across the U.S. that night. President Clinton said, “Twenty years of research has shown how well this program works to improve readiness for school and academic achievement.”
“That’s exactly what we’ve been trying to communicate to funders and donors in our efforts to gain more support for continuation and expansion of the program to serve more families,” said CSLC Executive Director Beulah Greer. “Our graduates are doing very well in school according to their parents. We are grateful to everyone who supports them.”
HIPPY is an evidenced-based program that works with families of three-, four- and five-year olds in the home to support parents in their critical role as their child’s first and most important teacher. It strengthens communities and families by empowering parents to prepare their children for success in school (hippyusa.org). HIPPY is free to parents, but the organization has to secure funding for it.
CSLC HIPPY and the Holmes County community will honor and celebrate six 2016 graduates, Wednesday, Aug. 3, and surprisingly, they are all girls. “What a cute coincidence!” said Greer. “We are proud of all graduates. Our families can be proud that they completed the 30-week, internationally-recognized program.” The ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. in the Holmes County Circuit Court Complex, 22549 Depot Street (Hwy 12), Lexington, Miss. Refreshments will be served. “We are most appreciative to our CSLC HIPPY Advisory Board for co-sponsoring the ceremony this year,” said CSLC HIPPY Coordinator Lula Friar.
“I am honored to serve as an advisory board member of the CSLC HIPPY program in Holmes County,” said Francine Jefferson, Advisory Board President. “I am even more proud to be associated with such an amazing and successful national program. HIPPY is a real solution. It works!”
Parents are also working diligently with their children in preparing them for the ceremony. “I’m excited,” said parent, Yolanda Wallace.
Another unique coincidence of this year’s class is that HIPPY graduate Jahari Ellis’ mother Shantella Travis was a HIPPY graduate when she was a preschooler in the State of Illinois. And, Shantella Travis’ mother Patricia Travis was a HIPPY Home Visitor there. “What a great milestone: three generations experiencing HIPPY’s success,” said Friar.
The guest speaker will be David E. Johnson, Sr., Senior Vice President and Director of Community Development for BankPlus. BankPlus has been one of the major supporters of CSLC HIPPY and development outreach programs in Holmes County for several years (i.e., the affordable housing rehabilitation initiative).
Other major and/or continuous contributors of the CSLC HIPPY program have included, but not limited to, MS Parent Information & Resource Center (MS-PIRC), the Holmes County School District, Entergy Mississippi, Wal-mart, Capitalist Wealthmakers, Inc. and HIPPY USA. Mr. Antwan Clark, Ms. Lula Friar, Ms. Jeanette Clark, Justice Bail Bonding, and Mr. Willie McGriggs.
If you wish to contribute to the expansion efforts of the CSLC HIPPY program, make tax-deductible donations to: Community Students Learning Center, earmarked “CSLC HIPPY,” 333 Yazoo Street, Lexington, MS 39095. Donations may also be delivered in-person to the program headquarters. For more information, call (662) 834-0905.
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