D’IBERVILLE, Mississippi (AP) — The Mississippi Department of Transportation will open a section of the new interchange at I-10 and I-110 on Tuesday, making I-10 westbound accessible by ramp from D’Iberville Boulevard.
Motorists traveling D’Iberville Boulevard south to I-10 west will be the only motion opening to traffic at this time as the remainder of the interchange is still under construction.
“The ramp to I-10 west is being opened earlier than scheduled to allow for a traffic outlet from the heavily traveled Promenade shopping area,” said Project Engineer Michael Harter.
The new traffic signal installed at the intersection of Promenade Parkway and D’Iberville Boulevard has been activated and will aid the flow of traffic to the new on ramp.
The remainder of the D’Iberville Boulevard Interchange at I-10 is scheduled to be opened by the spring of next year. The entire project, including the new Lamey Bridge Interchange at I-10 and Big Ridge Road Interchange at I-110, will be completed by the fall of 2015.
The “diverging diamond” interchange design at D’Iberville will be the first of its kind in the state, aimed at reducing delays for motorists who are crossing and entering the interstate.