Celebrating 17 years and growing

Celebrating 17 years of operation is a great milestone for The Mississippi Link, and in spite of our growing success, we are not about to rest on our laurels and tell ourselves we have arrived.

Socrates Garrett, founder of The Mississippi Link, once said to me, “Follow your dreams, work your plan, and don’t you ever let anyone or anything discourage you.” I have taken that advice to heart and with a competent and cooperative staff, there is an even greater future for The Mississippi Link. Together, we will take this organization to another level.

There are many weekly newspapers across the nation that have  gone out of business or streamlined their staff mostly due to a failing economy. I believe that the newspapers that continue to survive will be the ones that hire the most talented individuals having multiple skill sets and using those skills to create new opportunities. Secondly, survival will depend on the ones that seek to get the most benefits out of the

Internet. We will continue to survive not by throwing out the old but by combining the old with the new media; while still maintaining our commitment to the community we serve.

As with any business, these 17 years have certainly included a few growing pains, but those pains diminish in comparison to the numerous compliments and accolades we receive from readers, subscribers and satisfied advertisers. They diminish when our readers tell us how much our product has grown over the years and when our advertisers say to us that the quality of our product is one of the reasons they continue to advertise with us.

Our growing pains certainly subside when we cruise the website of the National Newspaper Publishers Association and notice that our front page stories are being picked up by other newspapers across the nation.

By no means do we profess to have all the answers, but we hope that we can continue to provide a product that our readers enjoy because they are the ones that have helped to make it successful. We enjoy publishing a product that ignites interest throughout our communities and nation. We feel we can safely say that The Mississippi Link print edition and the daily online edition (www.mississippilink.com) function as a vital ‘link’ that connects our readers to the world.

As we celebrate our 17th Year Anniversary, we are both humbled and excited to have served you with effective coverage of news and information, as well as with advertisements of products, businesses and services that have helped our readers to become a more informed people. With your continued trust and commitment, we look forward to many more years of serving out our motto, “Keepers of the Knowledge for People Who Speak the Truth Since 1993

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