April is National STD Awareness Month, and Open Arms Healthcare Center’s Community Mobile Clinic has several HIV testing events lined up the week of April 16:
Tuesday, April 17
Where: Azalea Christian Manor, 439 W. Northside Drive Jackson, MS 39206
When: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Details: Residents and community members can have a free and confidential HIV test as part of the Becoming A Healthier U wellness screening. The first 20 residents to sign up for a screening will receive a gift bag. HIV results are made available the same day, and patients can make follow-up clinic appointments.
Contact: Gerald Gibson, ggibson@mbk-inc.org; 601-898-0000
Wednesday, April 18
Where: Conduent, LLC, 385 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite B Ridgeland, MS 39157
When: 7:45 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Details: Open Arms Healthcare Center will provide free and confidential HIV testing to employees and guests as part of the Becoming A Healthier U wellness screening. HIV test results are made available the same day, and patients can make follow-up clinic appointments.
Contact: Contact: Gerald Gibson, ggibson@mbk-inc.org; 601-898-0000
Saturday, April 21
Where: Westside Community Center, 1650 Wiggins Road Jackson, MS 39209
When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Details: Open Arms Healthcare Center will provide free and confidential HIV testing to center members and community as part of the Becoming A Healthier U wellness screening. HIV test results are made available the same day, and patients can make follow-up clinic appointments.
Contact: Gerald Gibson, ggibson@mbk-inc.org; 601-898-0000
Thursday, April 26
Where: 809 State Street Apartments, 809 North State Street Jackson, MS 39202
When: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Details: Residents and community members can have a free and confidential HIV test as part of the Becoming A Healthier U wellness screening. The first 20 residents to sign up for a screening will receive a gift bag. HIV results are made available the same day, and patients can make follow-up clinic appointments.
Contact: Gerald Gibson, ggibson@mbk-inc.org; 601-898-0000
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