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NanoDay at JSU

Featuring Dr. Harold Kroto The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1996 November 21, 2008 (Friday) 9:00 AM Arrive at Jackson State University Campus (Rose McCoy Auditorium) Meet with audience for autograph or photos 9:30 AM Lecture […]

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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. gather in Jackson

Members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. gathered in Jackson recently to attend the sorority’s Support Our Sisterhood (S.O.S.) Retreat. Deltas from the sorority’s Southern Region which includes: Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and the […]

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Obama calls for swift action on economy

CHICAGO – President-elect Obama said Friday that the country is facing the greatest economic challenge in a lifetime and “we’re going to have to act swiftly to resolve it.” In his first news conference since […]

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Musgrove voices support for Obama

As the sun faded over Mississippi Nov. 3, election eve, Former Gov. Musgrove and members of his staff were completing an Eight-City Blitz around the state, echoing a need for change in Washington. The Musgrove […]