By Jeffory McKenzie,
VFW Historian, Post 9832,

The Veterans of Foreign Wars in the 5th District of Mississippi, held a joint Veterans Day program Nov. 11. It was hosted by VFW Post 9832 in Jackson.
The history commemorating the 100th centennial anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arlington National Cemetery was observed. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier consist of 4 crypts.
It was November 11, 1921 when the remains of an Unknown Soldier from World War 1, were placed in the large crypt. In two of the three crypts that lie in front of the WW1 crypt are the remains of an Unknown Soldier from WWII and the remains of an Unknown Soldier from the Korean War.
The 4th crypt, previously held the remains of an Unknown Soldier from the Vietnam War. In 1998, those remains were exhumed and based on DNA testing and other evidence, a positive identification of that soldier was made. His remains were turned over to the family for a proper burial.
The Tomb for the Unknown Soldier from the Vietnam War remains empty to this day. As of November 11, 2021 all recovered remains from the Vietnam War have been positively identified. However, there are still 72,355 soldiers from WWII that are still missing, 7,550 soldier from the Korean War that are still missing, 1,584 soldiers from the Vietnam War, still missing, 126 from the Cold War and 5 from the Gulf War are still missing. Until all US Service members classified as Missing in Action, have been found, recovered and returned to their family members, we will Never Forget their service nor their sacrifice to this Nation.
During the Veterans Day program, the Quilt of Valor Foundation presented eight veterans with a personalized Quilt=Healing special gift.

Personalized Quilts were given to the following Veterans:
• Specialist John W. Henry, a 102 year- old, US Army World War II veteran, from VFW Post 9832 in Jackson
• SSgt Ray Bishop, a US Marine Corps Vietnam War veteran, from VFW Post 9122 in Mendenhall
• TSgt Jose Chambers, a US Air Force veteran, from VFW Post 5048 in Florence
• Specialist Stephen Haller, a US Army veteran, from VFW Post 6809 in Madison
• Sgt. Marvin Jackson, a US Marine Corps Vietnam War veteran, from VFW Post 9832 in Jackson
• TSgt. Amos Wilcher, a US Air Force Vietnam War veteran, from VFW Post 9832 in Jackson
• Specialist William Jackson, a US Army Ranger Vietnam War veteran, from VFW Post 9832 in Jackson.
• Specialist James W. Robert, a US Air Force veteran, from VFW Post 11273 in Brandon
A special thank you was given to Ellie Mills from Past VFW District 5 Cmdr. Essie Rash and Post 12172 Cmdr. Tara Rivers and Harlon and Ellie Mills, Quilt of Valor Foundation coordinators
A special ‘thank you’ also went out to VFW Post 9832 Auxiliary members and Mrs. VFW for their decorations and the serving of food to all veterans.

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