
Next Level to offer upscale entertainment

By Shanderia K. Posey Editor By Oct. 29, Jackson will have a new location for upscale, classy entertainment and dining. Next Level Experience, located in the upper level of Metrocenter Mall, will open offering “good […]


Congratulations “The Mississippi Link” at age 22!

By Socrates Garrett Special to The Mississippi Link I want to express my sincere appreciation to the publisher and staff of The Mississippi Link newspaper for 22 years of continuous publication. It is no small […]

Letters To The Editor

Letter To The Editor: Garrett says to Jackson Free Press/Northside Sun, “Neither contacted me to comment”

The City Council on Monday, September 14, 2015 recessed a meeting where the Public Works Department recommended it accept and approve a contract proposal from Denali Water Solutions and Socrates Garrett Enterprises Inc., to dispose […]

Top Stories

Delta Sigma Sorority spotlights success stories

Fourteen black Jackson achievers earn awards

By Dr. Jerry Komia Domatob

Special to The Mississippi Link

Like celebrities, fourteen black men majestically strolled on a red carpet amidst booming praise, and received shinny white plaques for leadership and community service at the glitzy Delta Sigma Sorority Beacons and Blaze Honors and Black Gala, Saturday, February 23…. […]


Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership annual luncheon features “Vision 2022 – One Voice

By Ayesha K. Mustafaa


The Jackson Convention Center banquet hall was filled Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013, as the Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership luncheon and annual meeting brought together many of its 2,600 plus members along with many public officials.

The Partnership has a 10-year plan termed “Vision 2022 – One Voice” where it has launched a multi-year plan to “transform the Greater Jackson Region into a destination community attracting businesses, families and tourists for its quality of place and economic opportunity.”…. […]


Garrett incoming 2013 chairman of Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership

The Mississippi Link Newswire

The Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership, a 2,600-member non-profit organization, recently announced its incoming 2013 chairman, Socrates Garrett of Garrett Enterprises Consolidated Inc.

Originally chartered Aug. 23, 1880, as the Jackson Board of Trade and Cotton Exchange and primarily to serve the city of Jackson, the needs of chamber members changed over its 112-year history. On Sept. 12, 1921, it changed its name to the Jackson Chamber of Commerce…. […]


News video production premiers today: Socrates Garrett Live

The Mississippi Link launched its new regular video news feature: Socrates Garrett Live. Garrett, a Jackson native and businessman shares his take on news stories of interest. The Mississippi Link will air his videos each week.

This first video is about the use (or missuse) of Tiger Woods at this past weekend’s Ryder Cup competition. […]


Retro Metro shows council ‘the blue wire’ in response to $50K inquiry

Council members tour the future home of city employees
By Gail M. Brown
Four members of the Jackson City Council and an entourage of others toured the old Belk building at the Metrocenter Mall Wednesday, Aug. 22, in response to a concern of how $50,000 of taxpayers money was used in the project.
The site is slated to become an office complex for city employees,… […]