
In a cash strapped district JPS continues to spend

Board of Trustees approves big-spending measures

By Othor Cain

Managing Editor

Faced with questions about big spending in his former school district, Jackson Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Cedrick Gray vows to remain focused on JPS and moving this district forward. “I cannot afford to lose sight of what is before us, even with lingering questions,” Gray said. “Everything we did in Fayette County, Tenn., was above board and done with board approval.”

Last week Gray asked JPS board of trustees to approve hiring a financial team that would help with restructuring its debt and save the district money. Gray submitted to the board some background on the team and the reason he wanted to bring them on board. What he did not give them were hard cold numbers on cost or projected savings…. […]


Busting the Romney myth: ‘47 Percenters’ pour out seeking jobs, not handouts

By Ayesha K. Mustafaa

Staff Writer

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said, “There are 47 percent of the American people who will vote for the president no matter what…, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”

Perhaps Romney should have attended the Sept. 26 (and last year’s) 2nd Annual Jobs for Jacksonians Job Fair and Business Engagement Summit held at the Jackson Medical Mall on Woodrow Wilson Blvd. In this city of over 75 percent African Americans, there were job seekers who filled the Mall’s hallways stretching over a block long and standing or passing nearly elbow to elbow…. […]


JPS takes next step to ensure its budget is met

District files an appeal against city

By Othor Cain

Managing Editor

The Jackson Public School District lived up to its assertion that it would take legal action against the city of Jackson in an effort to ensure its budget is properly met.

The district had 10 days after the city council voted and passed a measure that would give a tax increase of 2.5 mills, which essentially gave the school district $86 million. The district submitted a budget of $88 million that would have required a 5 mills assessment to tax payers. That measure was voted down by the majority of the city council.

The lone standing council member that supported assessing the taxpayers of Jackson the required millage that would have given the school district its recommended budget was Ward 3 councilwoman Larita Cooper-Stokes. […]



Davis Magnet Elementary school will reap fresh veggies and fruits this Spring

JACKSON, MS – On September 20, the American Heart Association unveiled Mississippi’s first Teaching Garden with the support of the Jackson Heart Foundation. The first school to receive the garden is Davis Magnet Elementary in the capital city, which is locally sponsored by the Jackson Heart Foundation.

The American Heart Association Teaching Gardens is an innovative national, school-based program to re-establish what it means to be healthy. Aimed at elementary school students, the Teaching Garden program provides hands-on learning experiences rooted in offering nutritional choices. […]


Crystal Springs rallies to win in Canton

By Tim Ward
Sports Writer

The game almost looked like a scrimmage because everything was so similar between the two schools. Same colors. Same school initials for the most part. Same mascot. Same songs played by the band. One noticable difference: Canton has a drill team and Crystal Springs doesn’t.
With all that out of the way, these two teams played an exciting chess match style football game with Crystal Springs winning with about 1:02 left in the game…. […]


Jackson City Council raises property taxes for JPS

District needs tax hike for debt services

By Othor Cain
Managing Editor

If you live anywhere in the Southeastern portion of the United States, then you should be familiar with yearly events held in this part of the country titled “Battle of the Bands.”
The Jackson City Council recently took to the chambers and staged its own version of the popular competition appropriately titled “Battle of the Budgets.”
In a two-day council meeting, that included the blame game, members of the Jackson city council approved the city’s budget and approved a 2.5 mills (tax) increase to meet the school district’s $86 million budget request…. […]

Local Sports

Murrah embarrasses Callaway in “JPS SUPER BOWL”

The hype of this matchup started the first week of school via twitter. That’s right, TWITTER. Callaway and Murrah seniors raged a verbal warfare that lasted about 48 hours with both sides eventually saying, “See you September 7th.”
Around 11 p.m. Aug. 31, the battle resumed. More people were involved this time. All grades, faculty, and even alumni were all invited to weigh in on the battle. While the verbal jabs were serious and quite comical at times, everything went to another level Sept. 5. Murrah was vandalized. Callaway and other things were literally spray painted on the outside walls of the school… […]