Melton’s campaign response to Horhn commercial

Special to The Mississippi Link

Erik Fleming, campaign coordinator for the Committee to Re-Elect Frank Melton Mayor, issued this response to the television ad being aired by Democratic Primary opponent, Sen. John Horhn (D-Jackson): “With all due respect to Sen. Horhn, in his commercial, he stated that the leadership in City Hall is asleep at the wheel.

With $2 billon in economic development projects, which has created thousands of jobs, the awarding of $1 million in small business development grants and funding assistance, putting over 100 new police officers on the street to protect Jackson citizens an upgrading the city’s bond rating in the middle of a national recession, it is obvious that Mayor Melton has not been asleep at the wheel.

“The question becomes was Sen. Horhn asleep at the wheel when he pushed for a sales tax increase on the citizens of Jackson instead of fighting for a payment in lieu taxes for the services the city provides for the state. This also begs the question was he asleep at the wheel, when in that same legislation, Senate Bill 3268, he supported creating a commission that would put Jackson in a similar situation to Washington, D.C., that takes away home rule, and puts the decision of how to spend taxpayers dollars in the hands of businessmen instead of the mayor and council members duly elected by the citizens of Jackson.

“If taxation without representation is the change that Horhn represents, then the voters of Jackson need to continue supporting Frank Melton, our mayor, working for Jackson.”

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