City of Jackson Weekly Update

download (1) City of Jackson Moves Forward with Project to Pave 14 Streets This Summer
The city will move forward with a project to pave 14 streets using federal Community Development Block Grant funding.  The Mayor and City Council recently approved the contract for Dickerson & Bowen, Inc. A start date will be set within 60 days. The streets selected are in neighborhoods across Jackson. The streets are Oak Glen Place, Shadow Cove, Redwood Drive, Dogwood Trail, Sagamore Street, Spencer Drive, Englewood Street, Old Poplar Road, Mayfair Drive, Harwen Place, Holly Hill Drive, Elton Woods Drive, Saritini Drive and Misty Cove.


  • Yarber Administration’s Strategies for Infrastructure Highlighted in Article
    Next City, a nonprofit organization that publishes a daily, online magazine, on Wednesday, April 29, featured Jackson Mayor Tony T. Yarber in an article about strategies to address infrastructure.  The article, “State of Emergency: Two Cities Strategize to Fix Infrastructure Fast,” also highlighted the efforts of San Diego, Calif.


  • Mayor Yarber Participates in U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Water Council Panel Focusing on Affordability of Complying with Clean Water Act:
  • ·         Jobs for Jacksonians Recruiting Session Set for Tuesday, May 5 
    The City of Jackson’s Jobs for Jacksonians program will hold a recruiting session Tuesday, May 5, at 10 a.m. in the conference room of the Department of Human and Cultural Services at the Metrocenter Mall. Newk’s Eatery will recruit applicants interested in catering specialist, back of house hourly partner, front of house hourly partner, associate manager and general manager positions.
  • ·         Comcast Partners With the City of Jackson to Promote Tip411
    Comcast has partnered with the City of Jackson to raise public awareness about the anonymous tipster service, tip411. Comcast will air a city-produced commercial about tip411 on several of its channels during the month of May in an effort to educate more Jackson residents about the crime-fighting tool. Tip411 allows residents to text or submit web tips to police anonymously. When a resident sends information to police using tip411, the system removes all identifying information. Residents simply need to text their tip to 847411 and begin their message with “JPD.”
  • ·         Roll-Off Dumpster Day Set for May 9
  • ·         Ascertainment Public Hearings Related to Comcast to Begin in May
    Attorney Deshun T. Martin and the law firm of Martin and Martin, PA, are holding ascertainment public meetings related to the city’s contract negotiation with Comcast Cable. Issues or problem(s) that consumers, (citizens of this community) may have with their Comcast service(s) can be raised at the meetings. The City of Jackson is encouraging citizen consumers to bring their concerns to these ascertainment meetings. Representatives from The City of Jackson, the Legal Consultants, and Comcast will be at each ascertainment session. The sessions will be held at the following locations: Ward 1: Bellwether Church, Tuesday May 12th at 12 noon, 4624 Old Canton Road; Ward 2: New Hope Baptist Church, Thursday May 14th 6 p.m., 5202 Watkins Drive; Ward 3: Cornerstone MB Church, Monday May 18th 6 p.m., 418 Martin Luther King Drive; Ward 4: Rosemont MB Church, Tuesday May 19th 6 p.m., 3930 Officer Thomas Catchings Drive; Ward 5: Rising Sun Baptist Church, Thursday May 21st 6 p.m., 3001 Saint Charles Street; Ward 6: Christ Tabernacle Church, Tuesday May 26th 6 p.m., 1201 Cooper Road; Ward 7: Emmanuel Apostolic Church, Thursday, May 28th 6 p.m. , 608 W. Porter Street.
  • ·         Richard Knapp, Long-time Director of the Planetarium Dies at Age 73
    The City of Jackson offers condolences to the family of Richard Knapp, long-time, former director of the Russell C. Davis Planetarium, who passed away on Saturday April 25, 2015, in Creedmoor, N.C., following a brief bout with pancreatic cancer. Knapp, who was the planetarium director from its opening in 1978 until 2000, is widely recognized for his many accomplishments, including the development of Cinema 360 films.  His work with NASA astronauts leading to the production of “The Space Shuttle: an American Adventure” brought international acclaim to the City and State when the film was released in 1984.
  • ·         2015 Annual Preschool Promotional Ceremony Set for Friday, May 15
    The 2015 Annual Preschool Promotional Ceremony is scheduled for May 15 at 10 a.m. at the Metro Event Center in the Metrocenter Mall, 1000 Metrocenter Drive. The keynote speaker is Dr. William Merritt, IV, interim chief academic officer for Elementary Education for Jackson Public Schools.
  • ·         Public Works Week To Be Held May 18-22
    Mark your calendars for Public Works Week, which will be held May 18 – 22. Activities are scheduled to shine a spotlight on the work the city’s Department of Public Works does for the citizens of Jackson. The week’s activities include a parade, a news conference, and a ribbon-cutting celebration for Capitol Street.
  • ·         Sign Up for Code Red
    The city is urging Jackson citizens to sign up for the emergency alert system Code Red. It’s easy to do, just visit the website at and click on Code Red. The system informs you about emergencies and provides other alerts, including boil water notices and evacuation notices.

  • Pothole Patrol
    The Department of Public Works pothole patrol continues to make daily rounds to address problems on city streets. Now, the public can get a list of the streets getting repaired each day. Just visit to find out if your street is on the list. Residents are encouraged to call 311 to report a pothole.

In other Jackson News:

  On Friday, May 15, at 1 p.m. outside Alexander Hall on campus, Jackson State University will host the 45th commemoration of the Gibbs-Green tragedy, which left two young men dead and a host of others injured. The program will include thoughts from members of the Class of 1970, who witnessed the events that day, and from Lee Vance, a Jackson State alumnus and the current Chief of Police for the City of Jackson. A special roundtable discussion will immediately follow in the JSU Student Center Theater with Dr. Nancy Bristow, a historian who has a forthcoming book about the tragedy.


Each Friday in May, the Museum hosts “Live at Lunch!” (sponsored by Pepsi) with live performances by local musicians on the C-Spire Stage in The Art Garden at the Mississippi Museum of Art (The Art Garden) from 11:30 AM until 1:30 PM.
Enjoy live music in the spring ambiance with lunch from the new menu in The Palette Café by Viking prepared by Chef Nick Wallace. The menu includes a selection of soups, signature salads, sandwiches, “taco of the day” and “pasta of the day”, plus fresh garden-sourced appetizers carefully crafted by Chef Wallace himself. The café is open from 11 AM until 2 PM, Tuesday through Saturday.
The Live at Lunch! lineup for May is as follows:
* May 1 – David Keary
* May 8 – Patrick Harkins
* May 15 – Tawanna Shaunte
* May 22 – Cody Cox
* May 29 – Dylan Lovett of Young Valley

For more information, visit While on the website, view City Council meetings, make requests for the Mayor’s appearance at an event and sign up for Code Red; Notify Me and bid opportunities.