UNCF and Tougaloo College at the forefront of creating the next generation of professionals
The Mississippi Link Newswire
Partying with a Purpose will be the motivational force Friday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m. in the Trustmark Ballroom for those attending the 2012 UNCF Masked Ball. The Masked Ball is a major fundraiser for the UNCF Scholarship Campaign at Tougaloo College.
The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) and Tougaloo College have been partners since 1944 tirelessly devoting their energies to increasing the number of minority college graduates. “With the impact of the economic turmoil on the income of families and the shrinking of federal aid, it’s good to have the support of such organizations as UNCF,” commented Patricia Johnson, UNCF Coordinator at Tougaloo College…. […]