
George Zimmerman’s wife files for divorce

George Zimmerman’s wife is divorcing him.

She is also asking in divorce papers that he pay for a permanent life insurance policy with her named as the beneficiary.

Shellie Zimmerman asked in the petition released Friday that a judge order George Zimmerman to pay the premiums on the policy.

She also is seeking an equal distribution of their checking accounts, trusts, partnerships and any unknown assets…. […]


How Mississippi and Emmett Till shaped the March on Washington

As many across the nation remain in shock and disbelief at the recent verdict in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, his case has become hauntingly reminiscent of another black teenager gunned down nearly 60 years ago, where his accusers also went forth free.

The murder of Emmett Till is just as relevant today as it was in 1955 when his death not only sparked an avalanche of public outrage and fear across the south. But it also gave courage and determination to the weary and downtrodden – now wiling to die for equal rights. […]


Police: Man claims assault after Zimmerman verdict

Police are investigating claims that a man was assaulted in Senatobia, apparently in retaliation for the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial.

Police Chief Steve Holts says a man called police about 11 p.m. Sunday, saying he has out jogging when forced into a car and beaten after an assailant asked if he knew who Trayvon Martin was.

The victim – whom police aren’t naming – is white. He says his assailants were black. The victim says he was dropped off on a road about three miles north of Senatobia in rural Tate County. […]


DOJ to launch hate crime inquiry in case of George Zimmerman

Although he is said to be in hiding after his acquittal in the shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, trouble for George Zimmerman appears to be far from over.

The Justice Department said Sunday that it was restarting its investigation into Martin’s death in 2012 to consider possible separate hate crime charges against Zimmerman.

Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot Martin was acquitted of all charges by a jury late Saturday. […]


Family of slain Miss. mayoral candidate working with Trayvon Martin attorney

Nearly three months after the battered body of Clarksdale, Miss., mayoral candidate Marco Watson McMillian was found dumped in a field, his parents have partnered with Daryl Parks, the Florida-based civil rights attorney in the Trayvon Martin case.

On Feb. 27, Marco’s naked body was found on a levee near the Mississippi River between the towns of Sherard and Rena Lara, Miss. – some 25 miles from Clarksdale. Autopsy reports released this month revealed that the 33-year-old had been strangled, beaten, set on fire and dragged.

Desperately seeking answers, Marco’s parents, Amos and Patricia Unger, held a press conference at their home in Clarksdale this month, hoping to uncover the events leading up to their son’s death and to determine: If the suspect in custody acted alone; if Marco’s death was a hate crime because he was gay or if his death was politically motivated because he was running for mayor. […]


Lanzamiento De Curso De Forex

ORLANDO, Fla. – (AP) A grand jury Lanzamiento De Curso De Forex will not look into the Trayvon Martin case, a special prosecutor said Monday, leaving the decision of whether to charge the teen’s shooter […]