
Newly re-elected Mississippi Democrat switches to GOP

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Republicans are closer to having a three-fifths majority of 74 votes in the Mississippi House because a newly re-elected Democrat is switching parties. House Republicans also said Thursday that they intend […]


Obama spurns GOP with expansive immigration orders

By JULIE PACE WASHINGTON (AP) — Spurning furious Republicans, President Barack Obama unveiled expansive executive actions on immigration Thursday night to spare nearly 5 million people in the U.S. illegally from deportation and refocus enforcement efforts […]


Republican takes control of Senate, strengthens grip on the House

WASHINGTON (AP) — Riding a powerful wave of voter discontent, resurgent Republicans captured control of the Senate and tightened their grip on the House Tuesday night in elections certain to complicate President Barack Obama’s final […]


Opinion: Enough is Enough

Back on Sept. 12, the Republican-led House of Representatives voted for the 42nd time to derail the Affordable Care Act. That’s 42 more times than they have voted on raising the minimum wage, increasing federal investments in our roads or highways or helping local school districts get the hundreds of thousands of teachers whose jobs were lost when the Great Recession cut local tax revenue back into our children’s classrooms…. […]