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What Do Standardized Tests Say About College Achievement?

SACRAMENTO OBSERVER — The SAT is one of the longest-standing standardized college admissions in the United States. Along with its counterpart, the ACT, these tests have been at the center of heated debates. Some say these tests only serve to reinforce racial inequities in education. Supporters of SAT and ACT scores say that they help universities understand how likely students will be to succeed in college by predicting grades, chances of graduation, and success after college. […]


Education chief: Maybe start school later in day

WASHINGTON (AP) — A later start to the school day could help teenagers get the most from their classroom time and local districts should consider delaying the first bell, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Wednesday.

School districts would still be free to set their own start times, Duncan insisted in a broadcast interview, but he pointed to research that backs up his comments that rested students are ready students. Duncan said he would not be telling local school leaders when their first bells should ring and said it was up to local leaders to make the decisions on their own…. […]