
Fate of Obama health law subsidies rests with 2 justices

By MARK SHERMAN WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court argument over subsidies that help millions of people afford their health insurance suggests that the Obama administration has two chances to attract one critical vote. The justices […]


Obama announces grace period plan for canceled insurance policies

The Associated Press President Obama announced Thursday morning that he will support a plan that allows Americans to keep insurance policies that would otherwise be canceled under the Affordable Care Act. People will be able to […]


Opinion: Enough is Enough

Back on Sept. 12, the Republican-led House of Representatives voted for the 42nd time to derail the Affordable Care Act. That’s 42 more times than they have voted on raising the minimum wage, increasing federal investments in our roads or highways or helping local school districts get the hundreds of thousands of teachers whose jobs were lost when the Great Recession cut local tax revenue back into our children’s classrooms…. […]