17 dogs rescued, 3 dead after harsh treatment

GRENADA – Despite their best efforts to rescue and resuscitate 17 dogs living in extreme or cruel conditions, In Defense of Animals (IDA) said one dog was found dead and two others died later.

In Charleston, IDA’s Animal Rescue Team, led by Hope Animal Sanctuary Director Doll Stanley and IDA President Scotlund Haisley, assisted Animal Control Officer (ACO) Kevin Hodges, who had responded to a report of a dog who died in a small, filthy outdoor wire crate.

Hodges asked IDA to help with three other crated and chained dogs at the same location. One dog was living in the same cage as the dead dog, two others were on chains with only a small bowl of maggot-infested food.

IDA helped Hodges seize the three neglected dogs, who were taken into protective custody.

The team responded to a second report of cruelty, at the residence of a suspected dogfighter in Charleston.

Seven critically emaciated dogs, mostly pit bulls, were discovered chained in open view. Stanley said the dogs were on chains so tight they needed to be cut off, and they were so starved and dehydrated they could barely stand.

All were confiscated and taken to a veterinarian in Grenada for immediate medical attention. To accommodate the urgent needs of the injured animals, the clinic stayed open well beyond closing hours.

Stanley said even with the immediate veterinary care provided at the clinic, including IV fluids, two of the dogs died that night, and one is clinging to life.

The same day, the IDA team also responded to a call for help from the city of Winona. Seven stray and surrendered dogs were in city custody who had little hope of adoption, and were in need of medical treatment.

IDA helped relieve overcrowding at the Winona shelter by taking and providing veterinary care for the dogs who were suffering from mange – a mother and pups born in the shelter.

After the dogs receive veterinary care, IDA will seek assistance from other shelters to place as many of the dogs as possible in homes.

“IDA is committed to working with municipal and county agencies without the resources to address animal cruelty, but with the dedication to do so,” said IDA President Scotlund Haisley.

“IDA has always been a “will do” organization in response to all forms of animal cruelty and exploitation,” said Stanley. “Our Hope Animal Sanctuary, as always, stands ready to assist Mississippi law enforcement whenever and wherever we can be of help to animals and overburdened public employees.”

In Defense of Animals is an international animal protection organization located in San Rafael, Calif. dedicated to protecting animals’ rights, welfare, and habitat through education, outreach, and our hands-on rescue facilities in Mumbai, India, Cameroon, Africa, and rural Mississippi.

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