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Illinois top Democrat lawmaker linked to bribes

Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan has ruled the lower chamber of the state legislature for 35 years. Now, thanks to a federal investigation, his power may be coming to an end. Elected officials on both […]

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A couch potato at 6,500 feet

Lounging on the sofa and eating chips while watching TV may well be a favorite pastime during the current pandemic. Even from an altitude of 6,500 feet. That’s what “couch potato” paraglider Hasan Kaval did […]

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Deep-sea ‘cockroach’ discovered off Java

Darth Vader is the crustacean they were looking for. Scientists from Singapore and Indonesia confirmed a species they found in Indonesian waters off the coast of western Java in 2018 had never previously been identified. […]

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The art of the mask re-emerges

From masks worn to prevent the spread of Covid-19 to Hong Kong protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks during anti-China protests, 2020 is a time of masks. Yet in much of Africa, such face coverings masks have […]

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China could spell FARA trouble for business heads

Hollywood executives, Silicon Valley titans and other corporate leaders who sound similar themes to China’s ruling Communist Party may be violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, said Attorney General William Barr. Doing business with China […]