Jackson, Mississippi – Governor Haley Barbour is bringing together

state agency heads, legislators and local government officials as well

as inviting the public to participate in a Mississippi Stimulus Summit

on April 16.

The summit is scheduled from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. at the Jackson Convention

Complex following the annual meeting of the Mississippi Economic

Council; no reservations are necessary.

Over the past few weeks, some information has been made available

from Washington on how state agencies should prepare to deal with their

portions of funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act,

Governor Barbour said. “I hope by mid-April the federal government

will have provided enough specific guidance so final plans can be made

to maximize the use of these one-time funds.”

At the summit, participants are expected to detail steps that are

either already being taken or planned by many state agencies, including

the Mississippi Development Authority, the State Department of

Education, Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Human

Services, Department of Public Safety, Department of Employment

Security, Department of Transportation, and others.

Governor Barbour has asked each agency’s senior managers to present

an overview of its intentions and be prepared to respond to questions

from the audience. In addition, inquiries may be e-mailed to a special

address set up for that purpose, And, the

Governor’s office has set up a website dedicated to providing


The economic stimulus bill provides supplemental federal appropriations

for infrastructure investment, education, energy efficiency and science,

assistance to unemployed workers, state and local fiscal stabilization,

and other purposes.

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