Both sides rest in Hughes Trial

The case against a former Jackson school-teacher could be coming to a close now that both sides have rested their cases. After 28-year-old Carla Hughes decided today not to take the stand in her defense against charges she stabbed to death a pregnant woman who was engaged to her lover, the defense rested their case.

The jury will receive instructions and their deliberations should begin as early as this afternoon at the Madison County Circuit Courthouse.

Hughes is charged with capital murder in the slaying of five-month pregnant Avis Banks, who was engaged to Keyon Pittman. Pittman and Hughes were having a “sexual relationship,” according to Pittman, and worked together at Chastain Middle School.

Prosecutors have painted the picture that Hughes killed Banks at her Ridgeland home so she could have a life with Pittman herself.

The defense, led by Greenville attorney Johnnie Walls, Jr., called two witnesses this morning, Anita Booth and James Nash, both of whom confirmed the reason that Hughes had a gun was for protection after an attempted break-in at her apartment complex.

Booth, Hughes’ apartment manager, testified Hughes reported an attempted break-in on Oct. 5, 2006.

The defense then recalled the prosecution’s witness Nash. Nash is Hughes’ uncle whose son, Patrick Nash, had given her the gun. Nash in turn re-iterated that the reason Hughes had the gun was for protection after the attempted break-in.

Madison County District Attorney Michael Guest concluded his case about 4:30 p.m. Friday after five days of testimony from 20 witnesses.

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