Suspect gets 40 years for murder of Carroll County teen

LEXINGTON – Nearly two years after he was charged with the murder of a Carroll County teen, a Pickens man confessed to the crime and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. L.C. Fisher, 21, was charged with the shooting death of 16-year old Triguster “Fat” Griffin in November 2008. Griffin had been missing for three days before a motorist found his body in a ditch in Holmes County. He had been shot four times in the chest.

Fisher’s bond was set at $1 million. He’s been incarcerated since his arrest.

Fisher was scheduled to appear in Holmes County Circuit Court last month, but through his attorney, and a day before his trial, he told the court that the evidence against him in the case was true.

Fisher took the plea agreement offered by the district attorney, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison for manslaughter and 20 years for armed robbery.

The allegations against Fisher began on Friday, Nov. 21, 2008, when he was seen at a nightclub in Carroll County with Griffin.

Griffin’s mother, Bessie Peterson, called 911 in Carroll County, on Saturday, Nov. 22, when Griffin didn’t come home the night before. Carroll County officials and several residents began a search for Griffin and that search led authorities to Fisher.

Witnesses said Griffin had only known Fisher a “short while,” when he went to the club Friday night and picked Fisher up.

Holmes County Sheriff Willie March said at the beginning of the investigation they learned that Griffin and Fisher had reportedly been playing pool or dice and Griffin won $75 from Fisher.

The first break in Griffin’s disappearance came when a deer hunter found the bloody bumper of Griffin’s car in the woods near Ebenezer Road in Holmes County. The car was identified by the license plate.

Fisher was arrested on Nov. 23, after he was seen driving the car, which was later found abandoned. Authorities concluded that Griffin had been shot in the car due to the large amounts of blood found in the vehicle. No shell casings were found in the vehicle.

While in custody, Sheriff March said Fisher initially confessed to being at the scene when Griffin was murdered, but insisted he did not kill him.

In December 2008, March said Fisher allegedly changed his story and told Carroll County officials that he did kill Griffin.

March said Fisher continued to release sparse details about the murder, but never named the alleged shooter.

March also said Fisher had been transferred to the Humphreys County jail several times because of his disruptive and volatile behavior.

“He’d been starting fights over here,” March said then. “Some of the [inmates] here knew the victim, Triguster Griffin, and when they get at him about it, Fisher gets offended and starts fighting. So, we sent him over to Humphreys County to separate him from the other inmates over here.”

At the time of his murder, Griffin was a student at J.Z. George High School in North Carrollton and Fisher had just been released from prison for burglary. He is now serving his sentence at the Walnut Grove Youth Correctional Facility.

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